Friday, August 23, 2013

"Fall"ing Behind

It seems I'm struggling to blog these days.  Between refereeing the Mohicans, and doing nine million loads of laundry, and trying to keep up the housework, and refereeing the Mohicans, I can't seem to sit and put pen to paper!

But the Cotton gods smiled down on me and a small bank of time opened up.  Really though, it was my Heavenly Father.  I'm so blessed.

I was going to finish up my Americana quilt but Kelly said it looked "off" to her.

I see what she means.  There's a disconnect there in the middle. The pattern is cute, but  it doesn't travel the whole quilt.  So, I, being me, took it apart.  Not the whole quilt, but right about mid way.  If I flip it, it has a more comfortable feel to it.  Now, all I have to do is sew it back together and add a row of half blocks down each side to give it a little more width.  And that should be that.
I'm not moving as fast on Rag #3 as I had anticipated.  A couple supporting actors have failed to show, so it's slow going there.  I can't manipulate the plot without all the characters.  I need to crack the whip and get that show on the road!  It's due to premiere by the end of October (along with other Rag-time shows).
I did, however, choose to add madness to mayhem by starting a fall quilt.  Don't ask.  I just don't know the answer.  It will be a lap quilt like the Americana (when I get that gal finished).  She's been scripted and most of the characters are in place!  That always helps. It is a simple Sunflower block.
 Here are the first two scenes:

I am liking the way they are proving themselves!  And they make a statement with their generous 18x18 inch size.  Pretty easy to put together, too.   I'd say six or eight of these beauties would make a very nice lap quilt! 

Well, all seems to be quiet on the home front.  I think I will start on Sunflower block #3.  That is, after I fold a load of duds and throw some towels in the dryer and start another load of duds.  Shucks, who knows, I may even get Sunflower block #4 cut out! 

Until next time,
Lovely Daydreams from the Land of Cotton



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